The Future Investigators of Regenerative Medicine (FIRM) is an international society that brings together early-career researchers passionate about regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Our keynotes and delegates have diverse, multidisciplinary backgrounds from molecular biology to mechanical engineering. The unique atmosphere at FIRM allows young scientists to expand their regenerative medicine network, facilitate collaborations and hone their career development skills.
FIRM was established in 2013 by PhD students of the EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) in Regenerative Medicine based between Loughborough, Keele and Nottingham University. Over the years, our community has grown to exceed 250 researchers from more than 60 world-class institutions based in over 20 different countries. FIRM has been a hugely successful project, and we hope you will join us on our journey to strengthen the links within regenerative medicine.
“FIRM is a friendly, interactive conference with a unique atmosphere. I couldn’t recommend it enough for PhD students in regenerative medicine.”
Current Committee 2024
Anabela Moreira
University of Minho/University College London
Anabela is currently a Health Sciences PhD student at the University of Minho, in Portugal, and at the University College London (UCL) School of Pharmacy, in London. Her background is in Bioengineering, with a specialisation in Molecular Biotechnology. Anabela's PhD project focuses on the development of advanced in vitro 3D models of Parkinson’s disease derived from induced pluripotent stem cells and on the potential therapeutic benefits of mesenchymal stem cell secretome in this neurodegenerative context. Outside of the lab, Anabela enjoys creative work and is often involved in Science Communication and Outreach, making scientific knowledge and progress more accessible to the general population.
Tianyang Liu
University College London
Tianyang is currently a PhD student at UCL School of Pharmacy, as a part of CDT in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technology. Before joining in the CDT, Tianyang obtained an MSc in Pharmaceutics at UCL after finishing undergraduate studies at China Pharmaceutical University. In her PhD project, she combines her background in formulation science and her interests on regenerative medicine, where she aims to design a localised formulation to deliver mRNA to Schwann cells in order to improve pheripheral nerve regeneration after injury. Tianyang's research passion always lies in bringing innovative and efficient treatment options from bench to bedsides.
Lea Wood
University of Birmingham
Lea is a currently a PhD student at the University of Birmingham. After graduating from BSc Biomedical Science, Lea obtained an MSc in Trauma Science. Her work now investigates the development of novel tissue engineering scaffolds for burns wounds. Specifically, she aims to combine electrospinning technology and antimicrobial peptides to produce a nanofiber matrix with antimicrobial activity. The project combines materials and biomedical science approaches. Lea’s interests lie in tissue engineering for cutaneous wounds, and she is keen on developing her expertise in translational medicine throughout her PhD and beyond.
Casey Shaw
Keele University
Casey is currently a PhD Student working as part of the Orthopaedics and Biomechanics Research Group at Keele University. After graduating with a BSc in Neuroscience, Casey developed a strong interest in bridging the gap between the biological sciences and engineering, leading her to obtain a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering. Her current PhD focuses on using this multidisciplinary background to develop a 3D tissue-engineered (TE) co-culture model of the musculoskeletal junction: skeletal muscle, tendon, and bone.
Previous Committees
Dan Merryweather - Loughborouh University
Gabriele Gelezauskaite - University of Sheffield
Isobel Jobson - University of Nottingham
Olivia Johnson-Love - University of Strathclyde
Chris Simpson - Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Lydia Beeken - University of Nottingham
Domhnall Kelly - Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Catherine Beltran - Loughborough University
Katya Pchelintseva - Imperial College London
Niamh - University of Liverpool
Catherine Beltran - Loughborough University
Domhnall Kelly - Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Lydia Beeken - University of Nottingham
Phoebe McCrorie - University of Nottingham
Daniel Green - University of Liverpool
Christopher Hill - University of Liverpool
Preeti Holland - Loughborough University
Juan Aviles Milan - Southampton University
Michael Glinka - University of Southampton
James Kusena - Loughborough University
Rabea Loczenski - University of Nottingham
Gastón Agustín Primo - Queen Mary University of London
Gianluca Cidonio - University of Southampton
Lia Blokpoel Ferreras - University of Nottingham
Zuzana Kočí - Charles University in Prague
Susanne Renz - University of Southampton
Stephen Ruck - Loughborough University
Laura Ruiz-Harrison - University of Nottingham
Richard Harrison - University of Nottingham
Helen Jesson - Loughborough University
Inés Moreno - University of Southampton
Thomas Heathman - Loughborough University
Alex Lomas - Keele University
Hareklea Markides - Keele University
David Smith - Loughborough University
Alex Lomas - Keele University
Hareklea Markides - Keele University
Jim Rose - University of Nottingham
David Smith - Loughborough University